Travels Morocco

Morocco Wildlife

The wildlife in Morocco has been under attack from humans for many years. Deforestation for pastures and agricultural use, pollution of the water sources in Morocco and overgrazing by livestock, have each played a role in the decrease of wildlife species in Morocco. Currently, there are eighteen mammal species that are on the brink of extinction and the survival of eleven bird species hangs in the balance. The tireless work that is being done by national parks, forest reserves and biological reserves is giving theses species a chance to increase in numbers and are also the best places to catch a glimpse of the exotic and spectacular wildlife in Morocco.

Many marshlands have been drained over the years for use as cultivated land, which has led to the dramatic decline in Purple Heron, White-Headed Duck, Crested Coot and Marble Duck numbers. The destruction of land and plant species has seen approximately 182 plant species being added to the endangered list. Endangered wildlife species in Morocco include the Barbary Leopard, Waldrapp, Mediterranean Monk Seal, Barbary Hyena, Cuviers Gazelle and the Spanish Imperial Eagle. The Sahara Oryx and the Bulal Hartebeest have already become extinct. Fortunately, there is a large variety of wildlife species in Morocco that await the nature enthusiasts.

The Souss Massa Biological Reserve and the Toubkal Biological reserve are known for their large number of bird species and it is estimated that there are more than 200 different species. Visitors can look forward to seeing Waders, Woodpeckers, Spoonbills, Flamingos and a few of the bird species that are on the endangered list. Egyptian Cobras, Golden Jackals, Red Foxes and Leopards are also found in theses reserves. For a rare viewing of Barbary Monkeys, guests should visit the Cedar Forest Wildlife Reserve. The High Atlas region of Morocco has a wonderful variety of elephants, squirrels and colorful butterflies.

Along the desert coast of Morocco, visitors will find Ground Squirrels, Black-Headed Bush Shrikes, Moussier’s Redstarts, Wild Boars, Tiger Blues, Gulls, Ducks, Barbary Falcons, Eagles, Lizards and a multitude of other species. Some of the most breathtaking flowers of Morocco are also found in this region.

Visitors will be able to lose themselves in the great number of different wildlife and bird species in Morocco and will also see why authorities are working so hard to protect the remaining species. The varied landscape of Morocco is home to a spectacular and breathtaking range of wildlife that has become the focal point of conservation.